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Work Plan

Work package 1 (WP1): Incorporate

WP1 Focuses on the development of the core components of the PATTERN service and the technical integration required for its deployment. The main objective of WP1 is to design and implement the necessary infrastructure to support the PATTERN service as a Software as a Service (SaaS) on a Cloud host. This work package plays a crucial role in ensuring the successful integration and deployment of the service for trials and pilots in various regions. 

Activities within WP1: 

  1. Technical Integration Roadmap (D1.3): Develop a roadmap outlining the technical integration steps required to integrate the core components of the PATTERN service. This roadmap guides the integration process and ensures the seamless operation of the service. 
  2. Deploy SaaS on Cloud Host (T1.3): Select a suitable Cloud hosting service within the EU and deploy the integrated and containerised PATTERN service on the selected Cloud host. This activity reinforces EU technical sovereignty over the innovations generated through the project and facilitates the deployment of the service for trials and pilots. 
  3. Catalogue Processes and Actions (T1.4): Define strategic goals for the PATTERN service and survey other Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe project outputs to identify technologies that can enhance the service. Develop a technical roadmap identifying candidate technologies for future integration into the PATTERN service. 


Work Package 2 (WP2): Execute 

WP2 focuses on the cloud-deployed PATTERN service for a mini-trial based on Malta, running the trial, and planning for large-scale pilots in three Widening countries. WP2 will document the processes and actions undertaken in Malta to create a  technical innovation roadmap for partners to plan full pilots in their respective countries. This roadmap will be validated in the three target regions to support other projects in valorising their results. Additionally, a PATTERN business plan will be developed to ensure sustainable operations of the service. 

Activities within WP2: 

  1. Prepare Malta Trial (T2.1): Design and deploy the PATTERN  system application to meet the requirements of the Malta trial. Elicit requirements through a collaborative process and involve partners to gain insights for their own piloting contexts. 
  2. Run Malta Trial (T2.2): Execute the full-scale pilot in Malta based on the trial design. Determine the scale, range, and limits of the trial, collect processing requirements, plan camera locations, establish telecommunication links, and negotiate access to funding. 


Work Package 3 (WP3): Develop

WP3 focuses on coordinating pilot planning activities and executing full-scale pilots in specific regions to test and validate the PATTERN service. The main objective of WP3 is to adapt the lessons learned from previous trials, develop business and sustainability plans, conduct market modelling, and explore funding options for pilot projects. This work package plays a crucial role in ensuring the successful planning and execution of pilots in Malta and Greece, tailored to the specific contexts of each region. 

Activities within WP3: 

  1. Coordinate Pilot Planning Activities (T3.1): Ensure the consistent application of lessons learned from previous trials, processes, and actions. Develop business and sustainability plans, conduct market modelling, and explore funding opportunities for pilot projects. Coordinate pilot planning activities to ensure correct interpretation of instructions and alignment with project objectives. 
  2. Malta Pilot Planning (T3.2): Plan a full-scale pilot in Malta based on the lessons learned from previous trials. Determine the scale, range, and limits of the trial, collect processing requirements, plan camera locations, establish telecommunication links, and negotiate access to funding. Develop a funding application for the Malta pilot. 
  3. Greece Pilot Planning (T3.3): Specialise the action plan to fit the Greek context based on abstracted lessons learned, processes, and activities. Plan a full-scale pilot in Greece tailored to the specific requirements and constraints of the region. Develop a funding application for the Greece pilot. 


Work Package 4 (WP4): Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation, and Sustainability 

WP4 focuses on stakeholder engagement through communication and dissemination activities, preparing project results for commercial exploitation, and ensuring sustainability beyond the project’s duration. The main objective of WP4 is to engage with a wide range of stakeholders, including the business, innovation, and scientific communities, to disseminate project results effectively. This work package also involved developing a knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) strategy, emphasising sustainability planning, and outlining a detailed plan for communication and dissemination activities. 

Activities within WP4: 

  1. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with stakeholders through communication and dissemination activities to ensure project results reach target groups effectively. 
  2. Preparation for Commercial Exploitation: Prepare project results for commercial exploitation by developing strategies to transfer innovations into marketable products or services. 
  3. Knowledge and IPR Strategy: Develop a knowledge and IPR strategy to protect project outcomes and ensure proper management of intellectual property rights. 
  4. Sustainability Planning: Emphasise sustainability planning to ensure that the project continues to have a positive impact beyond its completion. 
  5. Communication and Dissemination Activities: Manage and carry out communication and dissemination activities to reach target groups, including the development of a project website, newsletters, social media engagement, infographics, and short videos. 


Work Package 5 (WP5): Project Management

WP5 focuses on ensuring effective distribution of resources, deployment of working practices within the consortium, and overall project coordination. The main objective of WP5 is to collaborate and manage the project activities, facilitate communication and collaboration within the consortium, and ensure efficient operational and technical coordination among participants. This work package plays a crucial role in identifying, assessing, and managing technical and administrative project risks to ensure the successful implementation of the project. 

Activities within WP5: 

  1. Coordination and Management Activities: Manage the project under the guidance of project management and advisory boards. Control project progress by ensuring administrative, financial, and contractual relationships within the consortium and with external entities. Verify the progress of work, ensure high quality deliverables, and maintain effective communication with stakeholders. 
  2. Internal and External Innovation Quality Assurance: Ensure the quality assurance of internal and external innovations by implementing processes to assess and manage the quality of technical outputs. Collaborate with all project contributors to maintain high standards of innovation quality.